Baillie House | A Ghost Hunting Documentary Filmed In Merritt, BC, Canada

Baillie House | A Ghost Hunting Documentary Filmed In Merritt, BC, Canada

In June 2023, Our Haunted Heritage investigated the Baillie House, a historic mining and ranching town in the Nicola Valley. The team uncovered 4 new spirits and captured evidence of a ghost walking down a hallway. Watch the documentary after the jump.

Baillie House Paranormal Documentary

The Baillie House, a historic site in Canada, must be one of the most haunted places we’ve filmed

Haunted Timeline

The Baillie House celebrates its 110th anniversary in 2023. Here are some key points in its haunted history:

1913 – Cosam A. Bigney builds the house for a mail order bride that jilts him

1916 – Bigney’s businesses are booming, and his nephew, Howard Cameron, comes to help him run them

1933 – Bigney dies in the house

1935 – Emsley Weatherbie, Bigney’s business partner and roommate, dies in the house from a long-term illness

1935 – Cameron fails to pay taxes and the City of Merritt seizes the property

1935 – 1938: The home remains vacant

1938 – Melville Baillie buys the home and his family moves in

1955 – The first recorded ghost story of main with his dog roaming the upstairs hallway

1965 – Melville Baillie and wife, Pauline, move to Kamloops

1969 – Melville Baillie passes away in Kamloops

1972 – Pauline Baillie dies (she may have died in the Baillie House where her son, John, cared for her). John Baillie (nickname Melville Jr.) inherits the house

1990 – John Baillie dies in the house

2001 – Nicola Valley Heritage Society begins feasibility study to restore the Baillie House

Ghosts & Spirits At The Baillie House

The Baillie House’s longest recorded ghost is most likely Cosam A. Bigney, who built the house. Other spirits that may be haunting its halls include Emsley Weatherbie, who lived with Mr. Bigney. There may also be a link to Melville Baillie, Pauline Baillie, and John Baillie (nicknamed Melville Jr.).

Our Haunted Heritage documented 4 new spirits at the house. We recorded different EVPs in different haunted hotspots to think this is the case. The team captured references to the names Gail, Jeannie and Spengler using ITC devices or EVPs. One this is for sure: The Baillie House’s ghosts like to follow you around.

Paranormal Activity Captured

Over the 2-night investigation, Our Haunted Heritage collected the following paranormal evidence:

  • Growling on the first floor
  • Movement detected in dining room, upstairs hallway and basement
  • EVPs captured in upstairs hallway and dining room
  • Engagement captured in upstairs bedroom

Ghost Hunting Equipment Used To Capture Evidence

Our Haunted Heritage used the following ghost gadgets to capture the activity seen in the documentary:

  • ParaLight+
  • Tracerwire
  • Paranormal Tripwire
  • Zoom H4n Handy Recorder
  • Flux2
  • Onvoy Ghost Box
  • SLS Kinect
  • 360 Puck
  • Canon XA50
  • Canon XA11
  • Patrol Master body camera
  • GS2 laser grid system
  • Sennheiser MKE 600
  • Panasonic Lumix GH4
  • PSB-7 spirit box


This documentary showcased the following paranormal professionals:

  • Michael “Merle” Morin, Lead Investigator (The Paranormal Roadtrippers)
  • Sandra Marlena, Sensitive & ITC Specialist (The Paranormal Roadtrippers)
  • Jacob “Jake” Rice, Paranormal Documentarian (Ghostly Activities)

Thank You’s

  • Sandy Curnow, Baillie House Site Manager
  • Nicola Valley Heritage Society
  • Baillie House staff
  • City of Merritt, British Columbia, Canada

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